from here
Mail-Merge Batch Generating Documents with datatool Package
If you aren’t aware of the possibility before this, you read the title right, it’s possible to do mail-merging in LaTeX with e.g. the versatile datatool package. This makes LaTeX quite a handy Swiss knife in a pinch.
The example scenario: you need to produce a batch of letters, name cards, or certificates really quickly. Let’s say certificates of appreciation for some long-serving employees. The recipients list has most probably been compiled by someone, as a spreadsheet like this:
Now all spreadsheet applications should be able to export the worksheet as a comma-separated values (CSV) plain text file, so we have namelist.csv with the following contents:
Abdul Ali,382473856,M,15
Francesca Joestar,461276432,F,10
Chan Ker Mei,463724631,F,5
Hikaru Yagami,154954739,M,10
The datatool package can then load namelist.csv as a simple database, which each line being a record, consisting of fields delimited by commas. By default, the field names are given by the first line of the .csv file. After assigning macros to the field names, we can then use the macros to insert ‘mail merge’ fields into a LaTeX document.
Here’s a quick example, using the wallpaper
package and an external image (image courtesy of for the decorative frame:
\usepackage{wallpaper} % For background image frame
% Load database ‘names’ from file ‘namelist.csv’
% Set old-border.jpg as background image
% For each record (line) in database ‘names’
% Assign field values by name to macros
{\name=Name, \ID=ID, \gender=Gender, \yr={Years in Service}}{
{\LARGE\bfseries Certificate of Appreciation}\par
We thank\par
% Insert ‘\name’ field
% Insert ‘\ID’ field
{\large (ID: \ID)}\par
for having been with\par
{\large XYZ Company}\par
% Insert ‘\yr’ field
{for \emph{\LARGE\yr} glorious years}\par
% Test ‘\gender’ field and insert him/her, his/her
We commend \DTLifeq{\gender}{M}{him}{her} on
\DTLifeq{\gender}{M}{his}{her} excellent service.\par
Managing Director\par
(MD’s Name)\par
And voilà, the output document has 4 pages, each containing the certificate for a recipient listed in namelist.csv.

Just for fun, here’re the same certifates using ornaments from the adforn font package. For more flamboyant ornaments, see the webomints fonts (installable via getnonfreescripts) or the psvectorian package.

The .tex source codes can be downloaded here.
datatool has many more macros for testing field values and even arithmetics. Other accompanying packages in the bundle, such as datapie, dataplot and databar, even lets you draw charts from .csv files via TikZ/PGF, so do check out the documentation.
Now I’m off to my holidays! Happy Chinese New Year to everyone, and may the Year of the Dragon brings only good tidings for you!
Use of LaTeX in Industry
A question on TeX.SX about “How is LaTeX used in industry and what are some examples?” has garnered over 6k views since posted yesterday. I had mentioned during my MOSC talk that LaTeX would be very useful in scenarios where some printable content has to be batch-generated or on-the-fly, and now some actual real life examples are given in the answers.
For example, this website allows users to query transportation timetables and returns the results as a pdfTeX-generated PDF:
And here’s another schedule generated by another German transportation website (PDF):
If you read the other answers, you’ll see what and how LaTeX is used in other companies (besides academic publishers). For example, this answer by Peter Flynn:
As a LaTeX consultancy, we have produced classes and styles for many organisations, including companies, government departments, and non-profits. A London auction house uses LaTeX to generate invoices; an electronic systems training company uses LyX and LaTeX to create their course workbooks and white papers; a Dublin printer uses LaTeX for pharmaceutical labelling; a local government organisation uses TeX to generate the Register of Voters; a professional scientific association uses LaTeX for its regular series of technical reports; and of course we use it internally for client reports, newsletters, and invoicing.
Latex on Mobile Smart Devices
Text-to-Path Conversion with Ghostscript
So you’ve prepared some PDF material with LaTeX, which you’re going to send to the printing company.
If they’ using the PDF as it is, fine and dandy. But if they need to import the PDF into, say, Illustrator for some further processing, you might be in some kind of a fix if the fonts you used (in LaTeX) aren’t easily obtainable as TTF OTF forms.
One solution is to convert all texts into paths before submitting the PDF to the printers. I don’t have Illustrator, so I tried Inkscape instead. Now Inkscape does have a convert-text-to-path function, but for the texts to display properly in Inkscape in the first place, I’d still need the TTF OTF files. Inkscape cannot make use of fonts embedded in the PDF to import the text as paths directly. Not very helpful, then.
Fortunately, suv gave this workaround using Ghostscript:
As a workaround, you can use Ghostscript to convert text in a PDF (or EPS/PS) file to outlines. It requires to convert the PDF to an intermediary PS file, and then back to PDF (thus losing PDF features not supported by PostScript, like transparency).
E.g. use a shell script, containing a command similar to this one:$ gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -dNOCACHE \
-sOutputFile=- -q -dbatch -dNOPAUSE \
-dQUIET "$1" -c quit | ps2pdf - \
"`echo $1 | cut -f1 -d'.'`"-nofont.pdf
So long as your file does not contain any transparency, the script works just fine, and you can submit the file*-nofont.pdf to your printer. And of course, expect some increase in file size.
Happy New Year! Fireworks with TikZ
TEX wizards recently demonstrated how you can draw fireworks with TikZ:
(There’s also an earlier Q&A about drawing Christmas trees.)
Geeky DIY Christmas and New Year cards, anyone? 🙂
Ampang Beamer Theme [best with Ubuntu LaTeX Fonts]
Hi all,
I have created a beamer themes which depends on Ubuntu font.
Get it from here:
On Linux or if you have Cygwin
git clone git:// beamer-ampang-read-only
Also, committed to Google Code:
Git pull:
git clone
English Translation of ChinaTeX’s Interview
I’ve finally gotten round to translating ChinaTeX’s interview with me (originally in Chinese) into English. It’s not a word-for-word translation, but I made sure the main points are preserved.
Fixing the Biolinum Font in Beamer
The libertine package provides LaTeX support to the Linux Libertine and Linux Biolinum fonts. The package release dated 2011-06-06 contains a bug, in which the ex unit value of the san serif font, Linux Biolinum, is not set correctly. This causes problems if the libertine package is used in a beamer presentation:

Notice how the heights of the headline and footline coloured boxes are almost zero. The same thing happens to the itemized and enumerated list markers, too.
A bug report has been filed with the LinuxLibertine project, but it’s still open at the time of writing.
In the meantime, Ulrike Fischer and Robin Fairbairns have provided an interim solution by resetting the ex value in the .fd files. Here’s what I did following their suggestions.
Locate the Biolinum .fd files, which should be in $TEXMF/tex/latex/libertine/ . I usually work with T1 encoding, so I homed in on the files t1fxb.fd, t1fxbf.fd, t1fxbj.fd, t1fxbjo.fd and t1fxbo.fd. (All these files, because sometimes I want the old-style numbers fonts.) I then added the code in red below for each m-n series-shapes:
\fxl@@scale fxbr-t1
I didn’t bother with the \DeclareFontShape of other series-shapes, as the above seems to have fixed the problem for me:

So hopefully this’ll help anyone else who’s run into a similar predicament. Thanks again to Ulrike and Robin for the solution.
ChinaTeX Interview
As you may guess from the name, ChinaTeX is a TeX resources website from China. They’ve done a good job rounding up TeX resources from around the Web, and translating them to Chinese for the benefit of Chinese users. Their latest endeavors over the weekend was to provide video tutorials.
Recently ChinaTeX approached me for an e-mail interview. We talked mainly about how I came to know, love and use LaTeX in book design and typesetting. Thanks for the interview, guys! 有空再来坐坐、交流,谢谢!