I am gradually writing for a booklet for LaTeX in Malay language. If you also want to contribute, you’re welcome. Lian and some other friends also had contributed on comments and others stuffs.
Feel free to download:
Note that I don’t use version number for the PDF as of now, since I assume it’s a BETA for every time I commit. But it’s readable and hopefully beneficial.
Or, if you’re cool enough, download the .tex files and the rest by yourselves and compile it. I have created a script called Make, just chmod +x and ./Make
hg clone https://latex-my-docs.googlecode.com/hg/ latex-my-docs
Erm, you can call me by my given name “Lian Tze” or my surname “Lim”. “Tze” on its own sounds a bit odd ^_^;
OK, done !