Moaaz Elhag Ali (email address in the .cls file) has created a LaTeX thesis class and template for the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), by modifying the UMalayaThesis class files. He has requested that I host the files here so that it may benefit IIUM students. iiumthesis.cls and template files can be downloaded here.
UnimasThesis — LaTeX document class for Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Theses
I’m happy to announce UnimasThesis, a LaTeX class for authoring Universiti Malaysia Sarawak theses.

It’s also available on Bitbucket, as well as on Overleaf.
(BTW — Kuching is a beautiful city!)
Malaysian University Thesis Templates on Overleaf
There, I’ve gone and published my thesis document classes and templates on Overleaf (previously writeLaTeX).
- Universiti Sains Malaysia thesis template
- Universiti Malaya thesis template
- Multimedia University thesis template
- Universiti Utara Malaysia thesis template
- University Kebangsaan Malaysia thesis template (English)
- University Kebangsaan Malaysia thesis template (Malay)
At some point I’ll probably get round to uploading the university-themed beamer templates, too. 🙂
(A little more information about Overleaf after the divider and disclaimer)
(Disclaimer: I provide LaTeX-related community support for Overleaf — so you probably won’t want to just take my word for the following; go try it out yourself! 🙂
Overleaf provides an online collaborative environment for authoring and publishing research using LaTeX. One nice thing about Overleaf is the rich text mode — which hides most LaTeX stuff from collaborators who are not familiar with it.
Another nice thing is the commenting facility.
So if you’d like to use LaTeX to write your thesis but your supervisor balks at it, try introducing them to Overleaf’s rich text mode and commenting feature. They just might be convinced!
umalayathesis Updated
LaTex & Thesis: FOUR good reasons.
During my degree in 2002, most of my assignments and the final year project report is done in Microsoft Word 97, a WYSIWYG type word processor. For a person first time using a computer (for official reason, other than Daytona USA, minesweeper and the dial-up type internet surfing :)), this what-you-see-is-what-you-get word processor is actually impressive for me on the things it can do, BUT I notice something, some patterns,
- chances of my computer getting crashed is directly proportional to the importance of the document, for example – the chances of my computer getting crashed when I’m writing my report for the final year project is HIGHER compared to when I’m a writing a letter to ask permission for motorcycle sticker.
- chances of my computer getting crashed is inversely proportional to the time left for my deadline, for example – the chances of my computer getting crashed when I’m writing my report for the final year project when the deadline is tomorrow is HIGHER than the deadline 1 week ago.
This waste my effort and time.
FOUR good reason I found to start using LaTex for my thesis.
ONE. Scalability – As I mentioned earlier – the size of your document. Word (or even Open Office) can get slower when editing large documents with equations and figures. In LaTex, I break my thesis into smaller chunks (like one chapter per file) and then let LaTex combine them altogether. This also lead to more organizable and manageable documents.
TWO. Support – Excellent support from the web community, one such example is the Malaysian LaTex User Group blog. I can ‘google’ any matter related to LaTex and come up with a solution.
You should NOT use LaTex if,
- You don’t have time to learn it. – You’ re reaching a deadline, you better stick with what you know first.
- Your document is already written – You had written your thesis in Word and need to submit in two days. Well my friend, I found no good reason to convert to LaTex and submit it.
Just google ‘advantage and disadvantage of LaTex’, you can find so many sources available out there.
- and many more …
Updates for mmuthesis and umalayathesis
Just a quick note that updated classes of mmuthesis and umalayathesis has been uploaded at my website.
Based on feedback from a MMU student who submitted her thesis recently, IPS now requires that the Publications List be categorised in to Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings, and that text in the appendices should be 10pt. Please read the updated user manual on how to prepare the Publication List under the new scheme.
Bug fixes of some spacing of appendices entries in the ToC, as well as adjusting the overall line spacing to conform with the expected output by IPS. Font of the cover page now uses Arial Narrow look-alike.
New uumthesis LaTeX Class and LyX Layout
On request, I have created a LaTeX class and LyX layout for writing Universiti Utara Malaysia theses. Credit goes to Dr. Mohd. Hasbullah bin Omar for getting the output endorsed by UUM’s Graduate Office.
The uumthesis LaTeX class, LyX layout, sample files and user manual can be downloaded from my website. Happy LaTeXing to UUMians!
LaTeX Thesis Templates for Malaysian Universities
I’ve put up a page listing existing LaTeX thesis templates for Malaysian Universities. Let us know if you have any additions to the list!