I learned of the pst-fun package today from an answer at TeX.SX, which provides convenience commands for some ‘fun’ drawings in PStricks. Time for some quick fun then!
\begin{pspicture}(-1, -2)(13,10)
\rput (2.5,7) {\psBird[Branch]}
\rput (10,-1.5) {\psscalebox{-1 1}{\psKangaroo[fillcolor=red!30!yellow]{5.75}}}
\rput {-50} (6,0) {\psBird}
Compile with latex, or xelatex if you want a PDF output. And the output looks like this:

…and I really should get back to work now!
It is really coooool….
Great! So Funny this package is!
I am impressed with this site, real I am a fan .