I spent my precious nites doing these stuffs. Everything went well except I didn’t compiled my *.tex twice so that my Tikz arrows drawn perfectly.
Tex Source
My Presentation Slides [HTML]
My Slides [PDF, 70 slides since I did some overlays]
You can refer my .tex file and do whatever changes that you want… but I’ll be happy if you tell me where will you present your talk using my so called *masterpiece* 😀
By the way, I converted those Beamer PDFs using external command, that is gs
I tweak some recommendations here
So, what I did was;
gs -dNOPAUSE -g1024x768 -r205 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=./temp/slide_%02d.png -dBATCH beamer-foss-my-09.pdf cd temp/new/
//02d since this will correctly numbers your slides sequence from 00,01,10,11.. otherwise it will assume 1,11,10 is within the same order(as you can see, in the link that I gave before it doesn’t stated that… so “man gs” did helped 🙂
for i in *.png; do convert -resize 600 $i temp/new/$i ; done
//you need to install ImageMagick package to do this.. “convert” command will resize the initially generated PNG from gs to smaller size. I did tried to set smaller size in gs command but seems it just bring partial of the slides into smaller pieces…
igal2 -r *.png -xy 300 -w 4
//this will create HTML galleries, initially the tool named “igal”
Some components of my *.tex file were adapted from texample.net …
Nice work, my friend. In just about 2 weeks learning LaTeX, and you already achieved what you wanted. So, the next step, is to master the math equations :), which I think not too difficult to master. 🙂
Thank you.
ok boss
You can also use
xpdf -fullscreen file.pdf
to run a full screen slideshow, using Alt-Tab to switch to other windows and q to quit the slideshow.
But you knew that already right? 😉
erm… sorry i do not know that since I'm just another evince/okular fans.
xpdf seems to geeky that I do not want too carried away :p